Saturday 23 February 2013

Advanced Dance Composition


Creative process is never ending process which provides each choreographer with feeling of satisfaction as well as disappointment. During the creation of this piece I had to face a lot of difficulties. However, there is no situation without a solution. In my opinion, dance is an art form which is wide enough and full of answers to all our questions. I just needed to have a will and intellect in order to inquire into my own nature and find those answers.
Trapped is a dance piece which explores our True Self. According to a philosopher Kenneth Wilber, each of us has that True Self. However, most of us have an intention to hide it. Due to the research I have done so far, I strongly believe, there might be a lot of reasons for that. First of all, all the humanity is trapped in a wide variety of systems. Whether it is political system, economical one or others but at the end of the day we are all from the same planet, from the same universe and we are all different individuals. Secondly, each individual might have a fear to be heard or seen more often than others. It might be the issue of low self confidence. Finally, depending on environment, experiences and circumstances a person’s unique self will either express itself or hide itself. It is everyone’s personal choice.
The first idea to explore the true identity came to me when I saw a movie Requiem for a dream directed by Daren Aronofsky. I was inspired by one episode which has shown what people are ready to sacrifice in order to be liked by others. The concept and intention of my piece kept changing many times till I stopped by the exploration of everyday movements.
Consequently, exploration has turned those movements into robotic ones in order to express the systematic concept. There is no feeling expressed due to the fact that being trapped in everyday system and routine does not allow enjoying it. What you can see is only blank look in their eyes and bodies doing the same movement over and over again.  Dancers have chosen their own movement to explore. That is how all the repetition has developed from one simple movement which was individual’s personal choice. There was no right or wrong.
Except Requiem for a dream, I found a lot of useful sources in order to deepen my understanding of the idea. It includes books about self – disclosure and relation to others, videos from such as Be yourself by Australian Dance Theatre. In addition to this, I have read the opinions of philosopher’s about individual’s uniqueness.
Soundtrack is a mixture of voice records and song taken from Enigma musical project. Voice records were created by dancers where they tried to be as opened as possible in order to express their real self and opinions about fake self.
The experiences and challenges that I have gone through helped me to understand a lot of things that are important for every artist. Understanding of the idea is not enough to create a piece. Motivation and interest are the main factors in order to achieve my goals. What is more, I had a chance to experience how it feels to be in charge of my dance company. There were a lot of mistakes I have done during this creative process, however, the best thing to learn something is to learn from my own mistakes.

Episode from 'Requiem for a dream'

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