In the library session we had to build the archive scrapbook where everyone was able to put videos, photos and images from Siobhan Davies Dance Company’s rehearsals and performances. Dance work Two Quartets caught my eye. It was created in 2007 by choreographer Siobhan Davies and it was performed by 4 dancers of her company.
The first Quartet is a dance piece based on continuous circle of feelings and movements. It is crearly shown that dancers hardly leave each other’s side. It seems that they are constantly chasing each other and following their movements. Dancers change their speed and gear as they shift from one place to another, but they always stay together.
Very good effect in this part has music where we can hear different voices and piano. Music is the connection of movements. The main movement language consists of running, walking and other different gestures of body which are characteristic to every human. From time to time we can see the repetition which means that dancers are repeating the same movement for few times.
In contrast to this, in the second Quartet everything is different. From the sociable people, dancers turn to a separate lonely persons. They are walking and dancing on their own, without any contact, in isolation. It feels that everyone has his own world.
Another difference is costumes. In the first part everyone seems similar to another. They are dressed in ordinary way – white and black. When in the second Quartet costumes are more colourful and various as well as their way of dancing, feelings and stage setting.
To sum everything up, Two Quartets – one dance which is based on two different and contrary parts. For me, it seems nothing similar between these two pieces. Anyway, it is interesting that the same idea you can demonstrate in many ways.